National University Chess Championship

In implementation of the annual program (2024-2025) related to scientific, cultural, and sports activities established by the Directorate of Student Life in coordination with the National Office for University Services and the Algerian Federation for University Sports. the Directorate of Student Life is organizing the 9th edition of the National University Chess Championship from January…

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The 1st National Conference on Innovation and Agricole Vulgarization « EN LIGNE »SNIVA’2024

The 1st National Conference on Innovation and Agricole Vulgarization « EN LIGNE » SNIVA’2024 Le Séminaire National sur l’Innovation et la Vulgarisation Agricole se tiendra EN LIGNE, réunissant les principaux acteurs du secteur agricole pour discuter des innovations récentes et des pratiques agricoles durables. À travers trois sessions interactives, ce séminaire permettra de partager des connaissances sur…

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