Results of the Physics Specialty

Results of the physics specialty Table of scoring criteria for candidates for employment tests and/or competitions on the basis of entry certificates into the body of assistant professors. Rank: Assistant professor, class B. Note: These results are considered preliminary until monitoring and review by the state inspection interests is completed.

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Biology Results

The results of the specialty of Biology​ Table of scoring criteria for candidates for employment tests and/or competitions on the basis of entry certificates into the body of assistant professors. Rank: Assistant professor, class B. Note: These results are considered preliminary until monitoring and review by the state inspection interests is completed.

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Workshop on Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Training on Geographic Information Systems (GIS), led by Dr. BAAHMED Djelloul, was organized on February 18 and 19, 2023 for first-year students in Preparatory Classes. Dr. BAAHMED Djelloul, with his experience and mastery of GIS, provided a comprehensive overview of the subject, ranging from theoretical foundations to the most sophisticated applications. Students had the opportunity…

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