إعلان عن فتح باب الترشح لانتخابات لجنة الحوار الاجتماعي لدى المدرسة العليا للفلاحة الصحراوية ادرار 

       تنفيذا لإحكام المرسوم التنفيذي رقم 23-362 المؤرخ في 17 أكتوبر 2023 الذي يحدد دورية الاجتماعات الاجبارية المتعلقة بدراسة وضعية العلاقات الاجتماعية والمهنية والظروف العامة للعمل داخل المؤسسات والادارات العمومية، ولغرض تشكيل لجنة الحوار الاجتماعي لدى المدرسة، أنهي الى علم كافة المستخدمين الاساتذة، الموظفين الاداريين والتقنيين وأعوان المصالح، وكذا الاعوان المتعاقدين الراغبين في الترشح لعضوية…

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Educational field trip 2

Thursday, January 23, 2025, was another opportunity for the second-year students of the preparatory department to benefit from an educational field trip. Accompanied by Professors Mostefaoui Mohamed and Ben Aichaoui Ibrahim, they visited Al-Firdaws Farm in Talmine. The day was filled with hard work and effort, particularly in preparing and planting some seasonal vegetables. Additionally,…

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Announcement Regarding Chess Qualifications

The local qualifications for the chess competition were successfully held today at the school. The participating students showcased excellent performances and remarkable skills. On this occasion, we extend our heartfelt thanks to the coaches Fedjah Abdelkader and Soudi Abdelhak for their presence and valuable contribution in assessing the level of the school’s students. Their support…

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National University Chess Championship

In implementation of the annual program (2024-2025) related to scientific, cultural, and sports activities established by the Directorate of Student Life in coordination with the National Office for University Services and the Algerian Federation for University Sports. the Directorate of Student Life is organizing the 9th edition of the National University Chess Championship from January…

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