Approval of the draft budget for 2024
المصادقة على مشروع الميزانية ٢٠٢٤ أشرف اليوم الثلاثاء 12 مارس 2024 على الساعة الواحدة بعد الظهر البروفيسور مجاود محمد، رئيس جامعة طاهري محمد ببشار، ممثلا عن السيد وزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي على ترأس اجتماع الدورة العادية .الأولى لمجلس إدارة المدرسة العليا للفلاحة الصحراوية أدرار وذلك بحضور مدير المدرسة البروفيسور ايدو عبد القادر و السادة…
Read articleAppeal feature is now activated online
The online appeal feature has been activated on the university student’s digital application (Progres), where the appeal is sent directly to the subject professor. ✅️ Accepting the appeal will result in the inclusion or change of the exam grade or continuous evaluation. The deadline for submitting appeals through the application is until 02/17/2024.
Read articleNomination files accepted for a certificate-based competition for the rank of management assistant
Rejected candidates may submit an appeal at the level of the school principal’s secretariat before 12/21/2023.This list is considered an official invitation to the accepted candidates to conduct the competition on 12-31-2023 at nine in the morning at the headquarters of the Higher School of Saharian Agriculture.
Read articleBreast Cancer Awareness Day
Breast Cancer Awareness Day World Breast Cancer Awareness Day is a dedicated day to raise awareness and fight against this disease that affects many women around the world. It is an opportunity to remind everyone of the importance of early detection and to support all individuals affected by breast cancer. Together, we can make a…
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